The landscape of South Tyrol is characterised by contrasts. Many types of rock meet in a small area.

The landscape of South Tyrol is characterised by contrasts. Many types of rock meet in a small area.
The African continental plate meets the European one here and pushes over it, the Alps fold, new rocks grew and grew due to pressure, heat, erosion.
e.g. 290 million years ago granites crystallised at a depth of 10 km, which were exposed in the course of time especially in the area of the Tauern window (Ahrntal), a strongly pronounced volcanism started 280 million years ago and the Bolzano porphyry plate was formed.
The limestone formations of the Schlern are one of the best-preserved reef structures of the ancient sea in the world.
Again and again, this area was flooded by seas and sedimentary rocks were formed through erosion and deposition.
Water floods have cut deep valleys into the landscape and sculpted the dolomites.
Gneisses, basalts, porphyries, marbles, serpentinites, quartzites, granites and sandstones, different in colour and structure, were exposed side by side.